Thursday, January 24, 2013

Reading vocabulary

Reading vocabulary

This is my animoto video to teach vocabulary to my students and providing them with visuals to associate with their vocabulary.
Our read aloud lesson is based on Paul Revere's Midnight Ride. And, for my initial attempt with animoto, I created this learning video to ensure comprehension of the words and pictoral representation.

Make your own photo slideshow at Animoto.


  1. Ita, you did it! This looks great! Can't wait to see the next one....

  2. Thanks for sharing. What was your students' reactions? Do you think, and did they think, that it helped to improve their learning and comprehension? Would you use this technology again for your next read aloud vocabulary?

    1. They were attentive. They loved it. They asked for a replay. They had visuals to associate with words like: muffled and belfry, thaat are not apart of their daily vocabulary.
      I'll definitely use this method to teach vocabulary.
